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Ciclopeptide – 3:
It helps improve the appearance of aged skin, it reduces wrinkles, inhibits protein degradation caused by enzymes, (such as collagenase and elastase) helping to maintain skin elasticity. 

Ciclopeptide - 5:
It helps improve the appearance of aged skin, it reduces wrinkles, inhibits protein degradation caused by enzymes, (such as collagenase and elastase) helping maintaining skin’s elasticity. 

Cross-Linked HyaluronicAcid:
this particular kind of hyaluronic acid is obtained by a bio fermentation and it consists of a polysaccharide, which acts as a reticulum in which trap water. The result is an immediate reduction of fine lines and facial wrinkles (because it acts as lifting agent, filling wrinkles and fine lines), and a better increased elasticity and hydration of the skin.

It is a flavonoid found in significant concentrations in fruits like citrus (lemons, oranges, grapefruits etc.), Bucco’s leaves (Barosma betulina) and flowering tops of Ruta (Ruta graveolens). Diosmin has anti-oedema, anti-inflammatory and anti-varicose properties, being in fact useful in the presence of haemorrhoids, cellulite, varicose veins, capillary fragility and related events (bruising, hematoma, purpura). 

Escin sitosterol phytosome has anti-oedema and anti-inflammatory properties. It mainly acts on the capillaries, modifying their permeability: in fact, it reduces the number and the diameter of the pores of the capillary walls, through which normally happens water exchange, so as to decrease the permeability and increase the resistance of the vessels themselves. 

Hamamelis/Witch Hazel: 
It contains gallotannins (3-10%), saponins, flavonoids, and essential oil. The tannins favour the stabilization of the cell membranes of the epidermis and of the vascular walls. Thanks to its actives, Hamamelis virginiana has an astringent, purifying and decongestant effect on skin tissues, as well as an effective vase-protective activity on microcirculation. It gives immediate sense of freshness, so it is suitable for reactive, sensitive skin with rosacea. Given its astringent and decongestant properties, it is also indicated for oily and impure skins. 

This peptide of synthetic origin is formed of arginine, methionine and glutamic acid acetylated. Its particular function "botu-likes" has an effect on muscles slackening, and it helps tending the skin and thus minimizing wrinkles. 

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